A Secure Storage For Medical Information Scheme Using Blockchain

Kadjo Mathias Adoni, Yuan XU, SIELE JEAN TUO


Nowadays, many companies, organizations, hospitals and individuals have adopted centralized data storage systems to store and share data. However, these systems create a single point of failure and involve a centralized entity or third party, which can cause concern for users. Decentralized storage systems are therefore needed to overcome the drawbacks of the traditional approach. However, in the face of centralization issues, this paper proposes a combination of Hyperledger Fabric, InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), and proxy re-encryption to enhance the security and transparency features of decentralized storage systems. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a secure decentralized system storage of medical information using a consortium blockchain


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Kadjo Mathias Adoni
adonikadjo@hotmail.com (Primary Contact)
Yuan XU
Adoni, K. M., XU, Y., & TUO, S. J. (2024). A Secure Storage For Medical Information Scheme Using Blockchain . International Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.47679/ijasca.v4i2.71

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